St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679   E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  Josie & Dinnie Talbot (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  Peggy Ahearne (Anniv)   12 Noon  Nancy Tobin (Anniv)


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week on Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Church Holiday or a Public Holiday).


Summer Mass & Blessing of Graves in St. Patrick’s Cemetery
Mass for those buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery will be celebrated outdoors – weather permitting – on Thursday 28th July at 7.30 p.m.
For the blessing of the graves, you may wish to bring a small bottle of water which will be blessed at the start of Mass. You can bless the graves of your loved ones with the Holy Water after Mass.


A Message from the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)
“We are attempting to make contact and keep in touch with as many members of the Parish Community as possible and so, we are sending out teams of two to visit the newer areas of the Parish. Members will identify themselves as representing the Parish. Please feel free to make any comments or suggestions about the Parish”.


Next Meeting of the PPC is on Monday 5th September at 8.00 p.m. in the Priests’ House. New members very welcome.


Eternal Rest to Kitty Kennedy late of 58 Ard Fatima, also to Paddy Hally, formerly of Elm Park who died recently.


Welcome into our Christian Community Leah Raeanne Dodd and Kayden James O’ Meara Carroll who were baptised last weekend.


Suicide Awareness C-Saw South Tipperary welcomes you to a coffee morning at 24 William Street, Clonmel (around the corner from Mary Street Medical Centre) every Wednesday morning from 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. No charge. All are welcome.
There is also a Support Service every Monday evening from 6.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.


Cancer Care Support Centre “For people living with Cancer and those who care for them”. At C.A.R.E. we aim to provide a warm, safe and confidential environment for people with cancer and their families. Open Monday – Friday 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m. at 14 Wellington Street, Clonmel Tel 052-6182667.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €541.30   Notes and Coin – €459.70    Thank You


The Pope’s Intentions for July

Universal: Indigenous Peoples That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect.

Evangelisation: Latin America and the Caribbean That the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean, by means of her mission to the continent, may announce the Gospel with renewed vigour and enthusiasm.


A New Departure
Some people in our parish are familiar with Glencomeragh, Kilsheelan where the Institute of Charity (Rosminians) has had a Retreat House for many years.

Bishop Cullinan has announced recently that Glencomeragh has now been given to the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore and a new work will start there in September.

The house will now be designated as a ‘House of Mission’ and will be a place of evangelisation and preparation for young people. A number of trained people will take up residence at Glencomeragh and it is hoped that the young people who receive preparation there will go to the schools and parishes of the diocese to encounter other young people.

Glencomeragh will continue to be a ‘House of Prayer’ where people are invited to visit and enjoy some quiet time in the church and in the grounds and gardens.

Let us pray for the success of this new initiative, invoking the patron saints of the Diocese: Saint Otteran, Saint Carthage and Saint Declan and the Founder of the Insititute of Charity, Blessed Antonio Rosmini.

























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679  E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  Mary Croke (1st Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  Peggy Ahearne (Anniv)   12 Noon  Nessa McCarthy (Birthday Rem)


Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)  The PPC will meet in the Priests’ House at 8.00 p.m. on Monday 3rd July.


Saint Pio Prayer Group will take place on Monday 4th July in St. Mary’s Church, Irishtown, Clommel. Rosary & prayers at 6.30 p.m. Mass at 7.00 pm for all petitions placed in the basket on the alter. All welcome.


Youth 2000 Summer Festival Cistercian College, Roscrea from Thursday 7th – Sunday 10th July. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet new people, The festival is donation only. Free buses available from all around Ireland. For more info and to book online, see or Tel 01-6753690.


3rd Annual Evangelium Conference Young adults are invited to attend Evangelium 2016. The conference theme is “Explaining the Catholic Faith in the Modern World” and it takes place in Maynooth College on Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th July. To register and find out more visit


Cemetery Mass Mass for those buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery will be celebrated outdoors weather permitting on Thursday 28th July at 7.30 p.m.


Our Thanks to everyone for their generosity in the collection for The Needs of the Diocese. If you have not yet handed in your envelope please use the envelopes already provided for this collection in the Weekly Family Offering box and, for those who need envelopes, there are some at the back of the Church.


Parish Family Fun Walk Thanks to all who organised the Walk last Friday. Thanks to all who took part or contributed in any way. Thanks to the Order of Malta and to all who donated prizes for the Raffle. Thanks to all who helped prepare the Centre for refreshments and to those who served them. Proceeds from the Walk will go towards the on-going maintenance of the Church and the Parish Centre.


Irish Blood Transfusion Service would like to thank 498 Donors who attended their Blood Donor Clinic in Clonmel recently. It is a precious gift that brings life and hope to patients and to their families and friends.


Family Carers Ireland are providing the QQ1 Level 5 Healthcare Support Award training in your area based on demand in September 2016. All modules will be provided separately one day a week for five weeks. For more info kindly contact our training department on 057 9370221.


A Message from the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)  “We are attempting to make contact and keep in touch with as many members of the Parish Community as possible and so, in the near future, we will be sending out teams of two to visit the newer areas of the Parish. Members will identify themselves as representing the Parish”.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €566.90   Notes and Coin – €541.10    Thank You


World Meeting of Families Prayer

God and Father of us all
in Jesus, your Son and our Savior,
you have made us
your sons and daughters
in the family of the Church.

May your grace and love
help our families
in every part of the world
be united to one another
in fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the Holy Family,
with the aid of your Holy Spirit,
guide all families, especially those most troubled,
to be homes of communion and prayer
and to always seek your truth and live in your love.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph pray for us!



















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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679   E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  Christy Lonergan (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  Betty Byrne (Anniv)   12 Noon  Cormac & Mary Mackey (Anniv)


You are invited to the next session of Café Theology on How to Argue the Case for the Pro-Life Amendment on Monday 27th June in The Granville Hotel, Waterford (Tapestry Room) at 7.30 p.m. There will be three speakers from Family & Life which is hosting the event: Margaret Hickey, Sarah Ekada and Patrick Carr. Plenty of time for questions and discussion afterwards. All welcome and please tell your friends.


First Friday Next Friday is the First Friday of the month. Sr. Mary and Fr. Hegarty will bring Holy Communion to the persons who have asked to receive it in their own homes.


St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection will take place after all Masses next weekend Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd July.


Monthly Family Mass We invite all our Families to the monthly Family Mass at 12 Noon on next Sunday 3rd July. Volunteers needed to help organise the Mass.


Youth 2000 Summer Festival Cistercian College, Roscrea from Thursday 7th – Sunday 10th July. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet new people, The festival is donation only. Free buses available from all around Ireland. For more info and to book online, see or Tel 01-6753690.


A Message from the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)   “We are attempting to make contact and keep in touch with as many members of the Parish Community as possible and so, in the near future, we will be sending out teams of two to visit the newer areas of the Parish. Members will identify themselves as representing the Parish”.


Graduation Mass Last Wednesday evening we had the ‘Graduation Mass’ for the girls and boys who are finishing in St. Oliver’s School. We wish them well as they move to a new level in their education.   We invite them and their families to maintain a link with our Parish by attending our Family Mass on the First Sunday of each month.


Months Mind Mass for Tommy Lawrence, late of Rockfield, Glenconnor will take place on Tuesday 28th June at 7.30 p.m. in St. Oliver’s Church.


Feast of St. Oliver Plunkett Next Friday 1st July is the Feast of  St. Oliver. The Relic of St. Oliver will be exposed for veneration at the 10.00 a.m. Mass.
It is also the feast-day of Blessed Antonio Rosmini who was declared Blessed on 18th November 2007.


Eucharistic Ministers Rota for July – September ’16 is now available in the Sacristy in the church.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €639.82    Notes and Coin – €466.18    Thank You


Collection for the Needs of the Diocese   Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th June  A reminder about this important collection. There are many needs in our Diocese at this time, and many services to be maintained and developed. Envelopes for the Collection at all the Church doors.


Come to Me Like a Cry of Joy
When my life sinks in sadness,
come to me like a cry of joy.
Come, Lord Jesus Christ!

When my heart is as hard as a rock,
come to me like a dew of springtime.
Come, Lord Jesus Christ!

When noise invades my haven,
come to me like an oasis of silence.
Come, Lord Jesus Christ!

When the wind of hate rises within me,
come to me like a kiss of pardon.
Come, Lord Jesus Christ!

When I am sinking into the darkness of death,
come to me like a child’s smile.
Come, Lord Jesus Christ!

And when the earth encloses me in its arms,
open for me the doors of your mercy.
Come, Lord Jesus Christ!     (Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679   E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440  Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m. Seanie Moroney (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m. Gary Power (Anniv)   12 Noon Patricia Whitely (Anniv)


Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Monday 20th June from 7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. in Horse & Jockey Hotel. Anam Cara is taking a break for the summer.  All Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to bereaved parents.


South Tipperary Hospice Movement Please join us for a Mid Summer Lunch / Garden Party on Thursday 23rd June at Hotel Minella at 1.00 p.m. Cost €50. All proceeds go to South Tipperary Hospice Movement.


Secular Franciscan Order Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 26th June. Cost €42 including evening meal. Leaving from Penny’s at 8.00 a.m. sharp. Enquiries at Friary Office.


Family Mass Our next Family Mass will be on Sunday 3rd July at 12 Noon. Volunteers and any suggestions re the Family Mass are welcome.


St. Oliver’s Parish Community Employment Scheme have vacancies in the following: Church Presbytery Cleaner (1), Gardener/Caretaker (1), Parish Centre Caretaker (1).   For further information contact Elaine Johnson 052-6125679.


Welcome into our Christian Community Nicky Purcell Carroll and Edward Patrick Roche who were baptised last weekend.


Eucharistic Ministers Rota for July – September ’16 is now available in the Sacristy in the church.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €562.35   Notes and Coin – €447.65    Thank You


A Message from the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)  “We are attempting to make contact and keep in touch with as many members of the Parish Community as possible and so, in the near future, we will be sending out teams of two to visit the newer areas of the Parish. Members will identify themselves as representing the Parish”.


Collection for the Needs of the Diocese  This annual collection will take place next weekend 25th/26th June.  The proceeds from this collection go towards funding Accord, Family Ministry Services, Cura, Child Safeguarding and services provided by St. John’s Pastoral Centre. Envelopes for those who haven’t got them are available at all the Church doors. Those who have the Box of Envelopes will find an envelope for this collection in their box.  Please be as generous as you can.


Annual 6K Family Fun Walk  Proceeds to the maintenance of St. Oliver’s Church and Parish Centre will take place on Friday 24th June. Registration at 6.30 p.m.  Refreshments served afterwards.  Free Raffle. Donations taken on the night.  All are welcome.


Prayer for People of all Ages
Let us pray for all children:
Help them to grow in grace and wisdom;
and in the knowledge of your Son Jesus Christ.

Let us pray for all young men and women:
Give them a full and happy youth;
open their hearts to accept not only the suffering
but also the joy of the world.

Let us pray for all married people:
who have promised before Christ
to be faithful to each other;
May the fervor of their love show to the world
the tenderness of Christ Jesus toward his Church.

Let us pray for all those who are single:
because of the Kingdom of heaven;
Support them in the joy of their vocation,
that their lives may show to the world the Kingdom
that is to come.

Let us pray for all those in the autumn of life:
Grant them a peaceful and happy old age;
guide their steps on the road to peace.

Let us pray for all those who have no family and home:
Show the gentleness of your presence;
to all who live alone and have no hope but you.
(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)






























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel:  6125679   E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  Jerry & Catherine O’ Regan (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  George & Bridget Conway (Anniv)   12 Noon Michael & Deirdre Gerrard (Anniv)


St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection will take place after all Masses this weekend Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June.


Annual 6K Family Fun Walk will take place on Friday 24th June with registration at 6.30 p.m. and walk commencing at 7.00 p.m. Proceeds to the maintenance of St. Oliver’s Church and the Parish Centre. Sponsorship Cards are available at the Parish Office or from Jimmy Moloney.


Secular Franciscan Order Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 26th June. Cost €42 including evening meal. Leaving from Penny’s at 8.00 a.m. sharp. Enquiries at Friary Office.


Family Mass Once again thanks to all who took part in the Family Mass at 12 Noon last Sunday. Our next Family Mass will be on Sunday 3rd July. Welcome to any other people who would like to be involved.


Youth 2000 Summer Festival Cistercian College, Roscrea from Thursday 7th – Sunday 10th July. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet new people, The festival is donation only. Free buses available from all around Ireland. For more info and to book online, see or Tel 01-6753690.


Thanks to all who contributed the First National Church Collection for the support of the World Meeting of Families 2018 which was taken up at all the Masses last weekend. Amount received was €493.60


Congratulations to Coiste Spiorad 1916 Chluain Meala, and to all who were involved in the official opening of the Monument to the 43 Irish Volunteers, at the Borstal Gate, in Clonmel.


Suicide Awareness C-Saw South Tipperary welcomes you to a coffee morning at 24 William Street, Clonmel (around the corner from Mary Street Medical Centre) every Wednesday morning from 11.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. No charge. All are welcome.  There is also a Support Service every Monday evening from 6.30 p.m. – 7.30 p.m.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €526.87   Notes and Coin – €414.13    Thank You


A Message from the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)  “We are attempting to make contact and keep in touch with as many members of the Parish Community as possible and so, in the near future, we will be sending out teams of two to visit the newer areas of the Parish. Members will identify themselves as representing the Parish”.


The Pope’s Intentions for June
Universal: Human Solidarity That the aged, marginalised, and those who have no-one may find – even within the huge cities of the world – opportunities for encounter and solidarity.

Evangelisation: Seminarians and Novices That seminarians and men and women entering religious life may have mentors who live the joy of the Gospel and prepare them wisely for their mission.


Glory to you, Father

May you blessed, Father,
because you have created me,
and because the heart that you have given me
you held, first of all, in your own hands!
Blest are you, Lord, through eternity!

May you be blessed, Father,
for the soul that you have given me,
because your love has fashioned it
in the image of Jesus, your first-born Son!
Blest are you, Lord, through eternity!

May you be blessed, Father,
for the body that you have given me,
because you will call it to live eternally
in the glory of your resurrection!
Blest are you, Lord, through eternity!

O Father of Jesus and source of the Spirit,
you who loved me in Christ
even before the world was created,
you who are the source of my whole being
and the root of every good thing that grows in me:
because I was born in your heart,
let my whole life be only a return to you –
to your heart, where I will finally know
the peace of my heart.       (Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)
























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley  Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679  E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  William, Christine, Mary, James Minogue (Anniv)
Sunday    9.00 a.m.  Mary & George Goodman (Anniv)   12 Noon Sean & Cathy Doyle (Anniv)


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION There will be no Eucharistic Adoration on Monday 6th June.


First National Church Collection for the support of the World Meeting of Families 2018 will be taken up at all the Masses this weekend.


Annual Grotto Mass at Edel Quinn Shrine, Old Bridge, Clonmel will take place on Bank Holiday Monday next 6th June at 11.00 a.m.


A Major Parade will take place in Clonmel this Bank Holiday Monday 6th June in conjunction with the unveiling of a Monument honouring the 43 Clonmel Volunteers who mobilized during Easter Week 1916. The Parade will depart from Irishtown at 2.30 p.m. arriving at the Borstal Gate, Emmet St. where the Monument will be unveiled. Your support for this historic event would be greatly appreciated.


Parish Pastoral Council A Meeting of the PPC will be held in the Parish Centre on Monday 6th June at 8.00 p.m.


Meeting of the group organising the Family Fun Walk will be held in the Parish Centre on Wednesday 8th June at 7.00 p.m.


The Relics of St. Anthony of Padua will be received in St. Mary’s Church Cahir on Thursday 9th June for 12 Noon Mass. Veneration of Relics all day. Evening Mass at 7.30 p.m. Confessions from 2.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.


Midsummer Concert A Celebration of Music and Song will take place on Friday 10th June at 8.00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church, Clonmel. Groups include Banna Cluain Meala, The Gordonaires and many more. Proceeds in aid of Cuan Saor Women’s Refuge and Support Services. Tickets €10 available from Marians, Premier Music, also available on the night.


St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection will take place after all Masses next weekend Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th June.


Annual 6K Family Fun Walk will take place on Friday 24th June with registration at 6.30 p.m. and walk commencing at 7.00 p.m. Proceeds to the maintenance of St. Oliver’s Church and the Parish Centre. Sponsorship Cards are available at the Parish Office or from Jimmy Moloney.


Exam Time Again We remember in our prayers all those doing exams this month especially those from our own parish.


Congratulations to Alice Langton from England and Nicholas Wavell-Smith from Australia who were married in St. Oliver’s Church during the week.


Welcome into our Christian Community Shane Patrick Forrestal, Emily Marie Hanley Warner and Jason Junior Murphy who were baptised last weekend.


World Youth Day 2016 You are invited to join the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore who will lead a pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 26th to August 2nd 2016. If you are between 18 – 35 years and interested in being part of this special adventure or to find out more, email: or call 051-874463. Total cost including flights & accommodation €700.
As already announced the Parish Finance Committee is prepared to part sponsor a young person (over 18) and would like to go with a group from this Diocese to the World Youth Day. Please contact the Parish Office on 6125679 as soon as possible.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €711.75   Notes and Coin – €448.25    Thank You


You were Moved to Pity
Lord, have mercy
You were moved to pity, Lord,
and your heart beat more quickly,
when you saw the tears of the widow of Nain.
To those who are sad today
repeat the words of old, “Do not cry”,
and heal the sadness of our hearts,
we beg you.
Lord, have mercy.

You were moved to pity, Lord,
when you saw the tears of Martha and Mary.
You yourself wept at your friend’s tomb!
Because you are our life and our resurrection
open a door of hope to each of our troubles,
we beg you.
Lord, have mercy.

Lord, Jesus,
no sorrow is a stanger to you
and all suffering finds the road to your heart.

Consider the misery of people:
let not their sufferings be in vain,
let them be joined to the merits of your passion
and to your resurrection.    (Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)






















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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley  Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel:  6125679  E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  Cathy Harris (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  Jacqueline Dalton (1st Anniv)   12 Noon Molly Askins (Anniv)


Legion Of Mary A special Commemorative Mass will be celebrated in Cahir Parish Church on Wednesday 1st June at 7.30 p.m to mark the centenary of Venerable Edel Quinn’s Reception of her 1st Holy Communion in the above Church on 1st June 1916. All are welcome.


Novena to the Sacred Heart continues until Friday 3rd June which is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. Novena Prayer will be recited after 10.00 a.m. Mass.


First Friday Next Friday is the First Friday of the month. Sr. Mary and Fr. Hegarty will bring Holy Communion to the persons who have asked to receive it in their own homes.


First National Church Collection for the support of the World Meeting of Families 2018 will be taken up at all the Masses next weekend.


Family Mass Our next Family Mass will be on Sunday next 5th June at 12 Noon.


Annual 6K Family Fun Walk will take place on Friday 24th June with registration at 6.30 p.m. and walk commencing at 7.00 p.m. Proceeds to the maintenance of St. Oliver’s Church and the Parish Centre. Sponsorship Cards are available at the Parish Office or from Jimmy Moloney.


Secular Franciscan Order Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 26th June. Cost €42 including evening meal. Leaving from Penny’s at 8.00 a.m. sharp. Enquiries at Friary Office.


World Youth Day 2016 You are invited to join the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore on what promises to be a wonderful pilgrimage of faith, discovery and sheer enjoyment. We will lead a pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 26th to August 2nd 2016 and want you to be part of it! If you are between 18 – 35 years and interested in being part of this special adventure or to find out more, email: or call 051-874463. Total cost including flights and accommodation €700.
As already announced the Parish Finance Committee is prepared to part sponsor a young person (over 18) and would like to go with a group from this Diocese to the World Youth Day. Please contact the Parish Office on 6125679 as soon as possible.


Welcome into our Christian Community Adam Rytlewski and Noah James O’ Dwyer who were baptised last weekend.


Eternal Rest to Tommy Lawrence late of 41 Rockfield, Glenconnor who died during the week.


Monster Rally supporting the 8th Amendment will take place on Saturday 4th June in Molesworth St., Dublin. Bus leaving St. Mary’s Church at 11.00 a.m. Contact Mathúin Ó Caoimh Tel 087-2467526 or St. Mary’s Parish Office Tel 052-6122773 before Thursday 2nd June.


Irish Blood Transfusion Service will hold a Blood Donor Clinic in Clonmel Park Hotel on Monday 30th May from 5.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m. Tuesday 31st May, Wednesday 1st June and Thursday 2nd June from 3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.  Donor Line 1850-731137.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €535.66   Notes and Coin – €499.34    Thank You


Sweet Sacrament Divine
Sweet sacrament divine, hid in thy earthly home,
lo, round thy lowly shrine, with suppliant hearts we come;
Jesus, to thee our voice we raise,
in songs of love and heartfelt praise,
sweet sacrament divine,
sweet sacrament divine.

Sweet sacrament of peace, dear home of ev’ry heart,
where restless yearnings cease, and sorrows all depart;
there in thine ear all trustfully we tell our tale of misery,
sweet sacrament of peace,
sweet sacrament of peace.

Sweet sacrament of rest, ark from the ocean’s roar,
within thy shelter blest soon may we reach the shore;
save us, for still the tempest raves,
save, lest we sink beneath the waves,
sweet sacrament of rest,
sweet sacrament of rest.

Sweet sacrament divine, earth’s light and jubilee,
in thy far depths doth shine thy Godhead’s majesty;
sweet light, so shine on us, we pray,
that worthless joys may fade away,
sweet sacrament divine,
sweet sacrament divine.

Francis Stanfield (1835-1914)






































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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – The Most Holy Trinity

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679  E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  John & Ellen Cremmins (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  Brendan Dunne (Anniv)     12 Noon  Paddy Tobin (Anniv)


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week on Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Church Holiday or a Public Holiday).


The Annual Diocesan May Rosary Procession will take place this Sunday 22nd May leaving Ballybricken Green, Waterford at 3 p.m. and proceeding to the Dominican Church, Bridge Street, Waterford for the Crowning of our Lady. All are welcome especially children who have received their First Holy Communion. For details Tel 086-3100581


Mass in Honour of St. Peregrine Patron Saint of those who suffer from Cancer will take place in St. John’s Church, Parnell St. Waterford on Wednesday 25th May at 7.30 p.m. All who have been touched by cancer are invited to attend the mass.


Novena to the Sacred Heart will take place from Thursday 26th May to Friday 3rd June. Novena Prayer will be recited after 10.00 a.m. Mass.


Belle Voci Choir and Guests are holding their annual Summer Concert on Friday 27th May at 8.00 p.m. in Old St. Mary’s, Clonmel. Adm €12. Under 12s free.


Family Mass Please keep in mind that our next Family Mass will be on Sunday 5th June at 12 Noon.


World Youth Day 2016 You are invited to join the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore on what promises to be a wonderful pilgrimage of faith, discovery and sheer enjoyment. We will lead a pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 26th to August 2nd 2016 and want you to be part of it! If you are between 18 – 35 years and interested in being part of this special adventure or to find out more, email: or call 051-874463. Total cost including flights and accommodation €700.
As already announced the Parish Finance Committee is prepared to part sponsor a young person (over 18) and would like to go with a group from this Diocese to the World Youth Day. Please contact the Parish Office on 6125679 as soon as possible.


First Communion and Confirmation We had two celebrations of First Holy Communion on Saturday 14th May. Congratulations to all the children and thanks to their parents/guardians and teachers.
On Thursday we had Bishop Cullinan with us for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Again our congratulations to those who received the Sacrament and to all involved in the preparation. A special word of thanks to Elaine for the many hours spent in the Church during the practices, and to all who were involved in having everything ready for the two great days. We encourage parents and grandparents to bring the children to Church especially for our Family Masses on the First Sunday of each month.


Eternal Rest to John O’ Neill late of 16 Highfield Grove who died during the week.


Collections last weekend
Envelopes – €566.50    Notes and Coin – €486.50
Special Collection Ukraine – €770.50     Thank You


God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

God the Father,
we praise you and we bless you
because you are the Father of Jesus,
and because you wish to be our Father also
according to your love and mercy.
Blest are you, O Lord, through eternity!

God the Son,
we praise you and we bless you
because you are the Son of the Father’s love,
and because you wish to be the eldest brother also
of all the children of God.
Blest are you, O Lord through eternity!

God the Holy Spirit,
we praise you and we bless you
because you are the love of the Father and the Son
springing up like a fire out of their affection,
and because you wish to dwell in our hearts also
like a furnace of love.
Blest are you, O Lord, through eternity!

God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
we praise you and we bless you
because you are God surpassing all praise
yet you accept the stammering of our adoration.
To you we direct our love forever and ever.
Blest are you, O Lord, through eternity!
(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)

























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – Pentecost Sunday

Priest of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679   E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  Joan Williams (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  Margaret Tyrrell (Anniv)    12 Noon  Thomas & Christine O’Sullivan (Anniv)


Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Monday 16th May from 7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. in the Horse and Jockey Hotel. Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to all bereaved parents.


Invitation Joe Burke Memorial Walk and Unveiling of Memorial Bench will take place on Saturday 21st May at 2.30 p.m. at the Roundabout past GAA grounds, Marlfield. Refreshments served after the walk at Marlfield Church.


The Annual Diocesan May Rosary Procession will take place on Sunday 22nd May leaving Ballybricken Green, Waterford at 3 p.m. and proceeding to the Dominican Church, Bridge Street, Waterford for the Crowning of our Lady. All are welcome especially children who have received their First Holy Communion. For details Tel 086-3100581


Family Mass Please keep in mind that our next Family Mass will be on Sunday 5th June at 12 Noon. We hope to have the Family Mass every first Sunday of the month, including July and August. We invite families to volunteer to help organise the Masses, especially in July and August when schools are on holidays.


Camp Veritas is a one week ‘play and pray’ sleep away summer camp for teens aged 12 to 18 at Maynooth University Campus from 26th June to 1st July. Cost 450 dollars. Volunteers are also needed aged 18 and upwards.For more information and registration log on to


World Youth Day 2016 You are invited to join the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore on what promises to be a wonderful pilgrimage of faith, discovery and sheer enjoyment. We will lead a pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 26th to August 2nd 2016 and want you to be part of it! If you are between 18 – 35 years and interested in being part of this special adventure or to find out more, email: or call 051-874463. Total cost including flights and accommodation €700. The Parish Finance Committee has agreed to part sponsor a young person (under 18) who would like to attend the World Youth Day in July. Please contact the Parish Office.


Eternal Rest to Pat Norris late of Mountain View, Marlfield who died during the week and whose funeral was in St. Oliver’s Church.


Parish Annual Accounts For those who may have missed them last week, there are some copies of the Parish Annual Accounts available in the Church porches.


Affordable Live-in Homecare provide live-in carers for the elderly in your area. If you are looking for a live-in carer for your relative, please call Mary or Tom on 087-9916791. See


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €628.50   Notes and Coin – €398.50     Thank You


Sacrament of Confirmation  Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan will be with us next Thursday 19th May at 2.00 p.m. to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Please remember in your prayers all those receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and their families, and also their teachers.


The Gifts of the Spirit
Let us pray to the Lord Jesus that he place in us
the gifts of his Spirit and the power of his love.
Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!

Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of understanding,
Spirit of adoration,
Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!

Sprit of strength, Spirit of knowledge,
Spirit of joy,
Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!

Spirit of love, Spirit of peace,
Spirit of jubilation,
Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!

Spirit of willing service, Spirit of goodness,
Spirit of gentleness,
Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!

God our Father, source of all love and joy,
you who never measure the grace of your Spirit
but offer it to every person
with the royal generosity of divine giving,
we pray to you:

In giving us the Spirit of your Son,
pour into our hearts the fullness of love,
so that we are able to love you alone
yet preserve all our tenderness for people also,
in this unique love, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)






























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – Ascension of the Lord

Priest of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
Deacon for the Clonmel Pastoral Area:  Rev. Lazarus Gidolf
In Residence:  Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley   Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.  Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Tel: 6125679   E Mail
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m.  Joe Bowes (Anniv)
Sunday   9.00 a.m.  Leon Quinn & Elizabeth Greene (Anniv)     12 Noon   Dick Murray (Anniv)


Mercy has a Face presented by Most Rev Bishop Donal Murray DD (Bishop Emeritus – Limerick Diocese) at the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, Waterford on Tuesday 10th May at 7.30 p.m. We will gather in prayer at the Holy Door, followed by reflection from Bishop Donal.


Family Mass Once again thanks to all who took part in the Family Mass at 12 Noon last Sunday. We hope to have the Family Mass every first Sunday of the month, including July and August. We invite families to volunteer to help organise the Masses, especially in July and August when schools are on holidays.


All Ireland Rosary Rally ‘30th Anniversary’ will take place at Knock Shrine on Saturday 4th June. For information contact Jerry O’ Sullivan Tel 021-4885443.


Faith Camp for Boys The Diocese of Waterford and Lismore and the Diocese of Cloyne are combining forces to run a Faith Camp for Boys (aged 12 – 16) in the beautiful coastal village of Knockadoon (East Cork) from June 5th – 11th. Activities include catechesis, sports, hillwalking, music, prayer & more. To book or get more info Tel Kieran (parish of Clashmore) on 083-4620610 or Fr. Eamon Roche on 086-9972539.


World Youth Day 2016 You are invited to join the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore on what promises to be a wonderful pilgrimage of faith, discovery and sheer enjoyment. We will lead a pilgrimage to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland from July 26th to August 2nd 2016 and want you to be part of it! If you are between 18 – 35 years and interested in being part of this special adventure or to find out more, email: or call 051-874463. Total cost including flights and accommodation €700.


Welcome into our Christian Community Ava Joyce Butler who was baptised last weekend.


Eternal Rest to Angela McCabe late of 71 Mountain View, Elm Park who died recently.


Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €521.19   Notes and Coin – €485.81     Thank You


The Pope’s Intentions for May
Universal: Respect for Women That in every country of the world, women may be honoured and respected and that their essential contribution to society may be highly esteemed.

Evangelisation: Holy Rosary That families, communities, and groups may pray the Holy Rosary for evangelisation and peace.


Our Parish Celebrations of First Holy Communion
will take place on Saturday next 14th May in St. Oliver’s Church at 11.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.





















































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