Priest of the Parish: Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C.
In Residence: Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Tel: 6125679 E Mail
Sister: Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Parish Website:
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679
Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m. Cathy & Paddy Daly (Anniv)
Sunday 9.00 a.m. 12 Noon Carol Lee (Anniv)
Whist Drive will take place on this Sunday 17th April at 2.30 p.m. in the Bridge Centre, Clonmel. All players welcome. Refreshments served.
Anam Cara the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Monday 18th April from 7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. in the Horse and Jockey Hotel. Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to all bereaved parents.
Service of Light for the girls and boys who are making Confirmation on Thursday 19th May will take place next Tuesday 19th April at 7.00 p.m. We will keep them in our prayers as they prepare for Confirmation.
Edmund Rice Choral & Musical Society’s Annual Concert will be held in The Large Room, City Hall, Waterford on Friday 22nd April at 8.00 p.m. Guests are: Soprano: Vanessa Whelan, Tenor: Dominic McGorian, Pianist: Billy O’ Brien. ERCMS Accompanist: Deirdre Long. Musical Director: Catherine Power. For tickets Tel 087-6392868.
Beginners Relaxation Classes take place in the Parish Centre on Monday evenings at 7.00 p.m. €6 per class. Contact David Tel 083-3745760.
Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration Annual Pilgrimage to Knock will take place on Sunday 24th April. If interested in attending, the local contact for the bus is John Tel 052-7441214.
Clonmel & District Wheelchair Society will hold its Annual Meeting on Thursday 28th April at 8.00 p.m. in Moynihan’s Bar (in Function Room).
Family Mass Please keep in mind that our next Family Mass will be on Sunday 1st May at 12 Noon.
Congratulations to Olivia Condon and Liam Hogan who were married recently in St. Oliver’s Church and to Michael Kearney and Frances Hallahan who were married in St. Helena’s Church, The Nire.
Welcome into our Christian Community Emily Jane Wall who was baptised last weekend.
If you have not yet handed in your Trócaire Box or Easter Collection Envelope they can be handed into the Church or to the Parish Office as soon as possible. Easter Envelope is available in the box with your weekly family offering envelopes.
Volunteer in Africa Humanitarian Volunteers are looking for volunteers to travel to Kenya on 26th June 2016. The volunteers will work on a humanitarian project for two weeks. No experience required and no age restrictions. Supervision provided. Volunteers will also visit the resting place of Venerable Edel Quinn. No large fundraising. Volunteers will pay their own costs. If you can assist teaching English, or with sports, games, arts, crafts or more, then you can make a real impact on the lives of the poorest and those without hope. Contact David 086-8520271.
Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €623.61 Notes and Coin – €528.39 Thank You
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Today, the Fourth Sunday of Easter or Good Shepherd Sunday is a special day for everyone in our parish and our Diocese. We celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
We ask that we may be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit as we carry on the mission of Jesus, our Good Shepherd. We pray in thanksgiving today for our Bishop, Priests, Religious and Deacons and for an increase in vocations in the Church. May our youth listen to God’s call and be encouraged to respond generously.
Prayer for Vocations
In his Message for this Sunday Pope Francis writes: “We ask the Lord to grant to those who are on a vocational journey,a deep sense of belonging to the Church, and that the Holy Spirit may strengthen among Pastors, and all of the faithful, a deeper sense of Communion discernment and spiritual fatherhood and motherhood”.
His message ends with this prayer:
Father of mercy, who gave your Son for our salvation and who strengthens us always with the gifts of your Spirit, grant us christian communities which are alive, fervent and joyous, which are parts of fraternal life, and which nurture in the young the desire to consecrate themselves to you and to the work of evangelisation. Sustain those communities in their commitment to offer appropriate vocational catechesis and ways of proceeding towards each one’s particular consecration. Grant the wisdom needed for vocational discernment so that in all things the greatness of your merciful love may shine forth. May Mary, Mother and guide of Jesus, intercede for each christian community, so that, made fruitful by the Holy Spirit, it may be a source of true vocations for the service of the Holy People of God.