St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:  6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235


Parish Office:  Open Monday – Friday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. Maurice & Margaret Kenefick (Anniv)

Sunday  9.00 a.m. Patrick & Joan O’ Mahoney (Anniv)

               12 Noon Mattie O’ Donnell (Anniv)



Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).


Youth 2000 – Summer Festival Roscrea 14th – 17th August 2014 The National Director of Youth 2000 writes: “We believe that youth are the most effective evangelisers of youth and this festival provides a wonderful opportunity for the young people of your parish – please encourage them to make their way to this festival! This event can be a real gateway for young people into the everyday life of the Church, many young people become actively involved in their parishes when they return home”. For more information and to book online see or phone 01-6753690.


The Secular Franciscan Order Pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Island, in Wexford will take place on Friday 15th August (Feast of the Assumption of our Lady). Bus leaving Penny’s at 11.00 a.m. sharp. Cost €28 includes bus and evening meal. Names and Fare taken at the Friary Office.


Collections on the Grounds of St. Oliver’s Church  Groups and Organisations that have a permit are permitted to collect on the Church grounds, but only AFTER the Masses. It would be helpful to have prior notification of these collections.


Visiting the Sick  Please let us know when you have somebody sick in Hospital (or at home). We will be glad to visit, and to pray for them.


Welcome into our Christian Community  Brandon Nicholas Condon who was baptised last weekend.


Eternal Rest to Sean Ryan R.I.P. late of 162 Church Road, Elm Park and to Liam Tobin R.I.P. late of Davis Road who died recently.


Free Pre-School Year  If your child will be aged between 3 years and 2 months and 4 years and 7 months on 1st September, then you are entitled to a Free Pre-School year.

Clonmel Childcare are now taking bookings for this scheme, places are limited! For more information or to ensure your place is guaranteed, give us a call on 052-6126620 or call into us. We’re based on the Cashel Road opposite John Kennedy Motors, we’d be delighted to show you around!


Bereavement Support is available in Waterford, Dungarvan, Cappoquin and Clonmel, as part of the services provided by Family Ministry, St. John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford. This service reaches out to all families in the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore. The Bereavement Support Workers are trained in the skills involved in helping people through the bereavement process and work to a strict code of ethics which includes confidentiality. Phone number for Family Ministry Bereavement Support 051-858772. Phone number for St. Oliver’s Parish Bereavement Support 052-6125679.


Collection last weekend

Envelopes  –  €671.29   Notes and Coin  –   €556.71              Thank You


Our New Parish Centre

Target:  €130,000.00  Donated so far:  €87,251.47

Thanks for all your generosity


Come to me like a Cry of Joy

Come, Lord Jesus Christ!

When my life sinks in sadness,

Come to me like a cry of joy.

Come, Lord Jesus Christ!


When my heart is as hard as a rock,

Come to me like the dew of springtime.

Come, Lord Jesus Christ!


When noise invades my haven,

Come to me like an oasis of silence.

Come, Lord Jesus Christ!


When the wind of hate rises within me,

Come to me like a kiss of pardon.

Come, Lord Jesus Christ!


When I am sinking into the darkness of death,

Come to me like a child’s smile.

Come, Lord Jesus Christ!


And when the earth encloses me in its arms,

Open for me the doors of your mercy.

Come, Lord Jesus Christ!

(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)

























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Priests of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:  6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. Josie & Dinnie Talbot (Anniv)

Sunday    9.00 a.m. Andy Askins (Anniv)

                12 Noon John & Mary O’ Mahony (Anniv) & Deceased Family Members



Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).


Visiting the Sick  Please let us know when you have somebody sick in Hospital (or at home). We will be glad to visit, and to pray for them.


Congratulations to Paul Cullinan and Claire Moloney who were married in St. Oliver’s Church last weekend.


Welcome into our Christian Community Brooke Orla Crotty Aylward who was baptised last weekend.


Free Pre-School Year  If your child will be aged between 3 years and 2 months and 4 years and 7 months on 1st September, then you are entitled to a Free Pre-School year.

Clonmel Childcare are now taking bookings for this scheme, places are limited! For more information or to ensure your place is guaranteed, give us a call on 052-6126620 or call into us. We’re based on the Cashel Road opposite John Kennedy Motors, we’d be delighted to show you around!


Bereavement Support is available in Waterford, Dungarvan, Cappoquin and Clonmel, as part of the services provided by Family Ministry, St. John’s Pastoral Centre, John’s Hill, Waterford. This service reaches out to all families in the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore. The Bereavement Support Workers are trained in the skills involved in helping people through the bereavement process and work to a strict code of ethics which includes confidentiality. Phone number for Family Ministry Bereavement Support 051-858772. Phone number for St. Oliver’s Parish Bereavement Support 052-6125679.


Homeshare, Family based Respite Scheme  The Brothers of Charity Services are seeking Carers to provide short breaks to children with intellectual disabilities, involving them in everyday activity in your home whilst giving families a break. If you are interested, contact Children’s Homeshare Co-ordinator, The Brothers of Charity Services South East, Child & Family Centre, 2 Jervis Place, Parnell St, Clonmel. Tel 052-6124499 or


Youth 2000 Summer Festival will take place at the Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary from Thursday 14th – Sunday 17th August. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet many new people. This Festival has been nicknamed the “Holy Oxygen” with over 1000 young people from all corners of Ireland attending last year. The festival is donation only. Free buses available from towns throughout Ireland. For more information and to book online see or phone 01-6753690.


Exercise and Mobility Class for older adult’s include exercises for all, will continue every Monday after the 10.00 a.m. Mass in St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Irishtown. Normal fee €5.00. Contact John Cooke Tel 086-8813577.



Envelopes  –  €746.96          Notes and Coin  –   €471.04

 The Needs of the Diocese  –  €437.92                                           Thank You


Our New Parish Centre

Target:   €130,000.00            Donated so far:  €87,201.47

 Thanks for all your generosity


The Parable of the Sower

Remember us, O Lord, by your loving care!

Jesus taught his disciples with parables.

He said to them, “Listen!

One day a farmer went out sowing…”


So that your Word in us, Lord,

does not fall on the roadside and Satan remove it from our hearts

We pray to you.


So that your Word in us, Lord,

does not fall on rocky ground and we be fickle at our first temptation,

We pray to you.


So that your Word in us, Lord,

does not fall among thorns and the cares of life

and the enticement or riches choke it,

We pray to you.


So that your Word in us, Lord,

falls on rich and fertile soil and we yeild fruit in abundance

We pray to you.


Lord Jesus,

Sower of all the good that is in the world,

place in us the seeds of goodness and justice.

Let our land yield a harvest of brotherly love

and sheaves of joy for eternal life.

 (Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)

Matthew 13:1-23   Mark 4:1-20   Luke 8:4-15




























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Priests of the Parish:  Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:  6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday  7.30 p.m. John & Kathleen Kane (Anniv)

Sunday    9.00 a.m. Eileen McGough (Anniv)

              12 Noon Maher & O’ Dwyer Families (Anniv)


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).


Visiting the Sick  Please let us know when you have somebody sick in Hospital (or at home). We will be glad to visit, and to pray for them.


Our Thanks to everyone for their generosity in the collection for The Needs of the Diocese. If you have not yet handed in your envelope please use the envelopes already provided for this collection in the Weekly Family Offering box and, for those who need envelopes, there are some at the back of the Church.


 Welcome into our Christian Community  Cara Marie Delaney who was baptised last weekend.


Eternal Rest to Patricia Whiteley R. I.P. late of 224 St. Oliver’s Square, Elm Park who died last weekend and whose Funeral Mass was in St. Oliver’s Church.


St. Oliver’s Family Fun Walk Thanks to all who took part in or helped in any way to organise and support the Family Fun Walk. The proceeds of the Walk will go towards paying off the debt on our New Parish Centre.


St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection will take place after all Masses this weekend Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July.


Clonmel R.F.C. Multi-Sports Summer Camp for boys and girls aged 6 to 15 years will take place from Monday 7th to Friday 11th July from 9.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.  €65 per child. Sports include: Rugby, Tag Rugby, Uni-Hoc, Football, Basketball, Team-building and other sports. Coaching by experienced qualified Coaches. To book Tel 087-3724394


Vocations Exploration Day for women between the ages of 25 – 45 will take place at the Carmelite Monastery, Delgany, Co. Wicklow on Saturday 12th July from 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. A day of prayer and reflection around the themes of vocation and in particular the Carmelite contemplative vocation. If interested please Tel 085-8601794 or email:


Youth 2000 Summer Festival will take place at the Cistercian College, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary from Thursday 14th – Sunday 17th August. For young people aged 16-35, an opportunity not to be missed to experience the Catholic faith and meet many new people. This Festival has been nicknamed the “Holy Oxygen” with over 1000 young people from all corners of Ireland attending last year. The festival is donation only. Free buses available from towns throughout Ireland. For more information and to book online see or phone 01-6753690.


Collection last weekend

Envelopes  – €463.28    Notes and Coin –  €636.72                 Thank You


Our New Parish Centre

Target:  €130,000.00      Donated so far:  €87,101.47

Thanks for all your generosity


The Pope’s Intentions for July

 Universal:  That sports may always be occasions of human fraternity and growth.

For Evangelisation:  That the Holy Spirit may support the work of the laity who proclaim the Gospel in the poorest countries.


Watch over your Church    O Lord, we pray to you.

Watch over your Church, make it perfect in your love.

O Lord, we pray to you.


Gather all the baptised into the unity of the faith.

O Lord, we pray to you.


Lead all people to the light of the Gospel.

O Lord, we pray to you.


Give to all people peace in justice.

O Lord, we pray to you.


To those who remember the poor give everlasting reward.

O Lord, we pray to you.


Strengthen all our brothers and sisters in the service of the Kingdom.

O Lord, we pray to you.


Lift our souls toward the desires of heaven.

O Lord, we pray to you.


Give to our deceased brothers and sisters life in eternal light.

O Lord, we pray to you.

(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)










































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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – SS Peter & Paul, Apostles


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:  6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. Peter Fitzgerald (Anniv) & Caroline Phelan (Anniv)

Sunday     9.00 a.m. Peggy Ahearne (Anniv)

                   12 Noon Imelda McGrath (Anniv) & James Dolan (Anniv)


 Visiting the Sick  Please let us know when you have somebody sick in Hospital (or at home). We will be glad to visit, and to pray for them.


Graduation Mass – 6th Classes St. Oliver’s School  Congratulations and thanks to all who took part in and helped with the Graduation Mass on Thursday evening.


First Friday  Next Friday is the First Friday of the month. Sr. Mary and Fr. Hegarty will bring Holy Communion to the persons who have asked to receive it in their own homes.


Divine Mercy Devotions  for First Friday will take place in SS Peter & Paul’s Church on Friday next 4th July at 3.00 p.m. All are welcome.


Welcome into our Christian Community  Alexander Wladyslaw Cahill, William “Billy” Gerard O’ Donoghue and Montana Maria Cawley who were baptised last weekend.


Eucharistic Ministers Rota for July – September ’14 is now available in the Sacristy in the church.


Anam Cara is holding its monthly Parent Evening this Monday 30th June from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. at the Horse & Jockey Hotel, Thurles. Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to all bereaved parents.


Tipperary Branch Parkinson’s Clonmel Support Group will hold a meeting in Hotel Minella, Clonmel, on Tuesday 1st July at 10.30 a.m. The meeting is open to people with Parkinson’s and their carers in a relaxed atmosphere. All are welcome.


St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection will take place after all Masses next weekend Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th July.


Summer Camps at STAC will take place for two weeks from Monday 30th June – Friday 11th July. Art, Craft & Drama Games Age: 4 – 6 years, Art Attack & Drama Age: 7 upwards, Graffiti with a Twist – Anthony Lawless Age: Teenagers. Booking essential. Tel 052-6127877 for details.


Clonmel R.F.C. Multi-Sports Summer Camp for boys and girls aged 6 to 15 years will take place from Monday 7th to Friday 11th July from 9.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.  €65 per child. Sports include: Rugby, Tag Rugby, Uni-Hoc, Football, Basketball, Team-building and other sports. Coaching by experienced qualified Coaches. To book Tel 087-3724394


Collection last weekend

Envelopes  –  €644.48    Notes and Coin  –   €386.52            Thank You


Collection for the Needs of the Diocese  Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th June   A reminder about this important collection. There are many needs in our Diocese at this time, and many services to be maintained and developed. Envelopes for the Collection at all the Church doors.


Some Liturgical Celebrations for this Week

Tuesday 1st July  St. Oliver Plunkett, bishop and martyr.  It is also the feast-day of Blessed Antonio Rosmini who was declared Blessed on 18th November 2007.

Thursday 3rd July  St. Thomas, Apostle.


























































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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:  6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. Seanie Moroney (Anniv)

Sunday  9.00 a.m. Betty Byrne (Anniv)

              12 Noon Christy Lonergan (Anniv)


Collection for the Needs of the Diocese  This annual collection is due next weekend 28th/29th June. Those who have the Box of Envelopes will find an envelope for this collection in their box. Envelopes are also available at all the Church doors.  This Collection is very important as a source of revenue for the many Diocesan Services: Accord, Family Ministry,   Cura,   the work of St. John’s Pastoral Centre, and Child Safeguarding  etc.  Please be as generous as you can.


Visiting the Sick  Please let us know when you have somebody sick in Hospital (or at home). We will be glad to visit, and to pray for them.


 Eternal Rest to David (Davy) Hallinan R.I.P. late of 46 Honeyview Estate and formerly of Albert Street, Clonmel who died during the week.


Welcome into our Christian Community  Nadine Éire May Jones and Evie Rae Grant who were baptisedlast weekend.


Eucharistic Ministers Rota for July – September ’14 is now available in the Sacristy in the church.


Anam Cara  is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Monday 30th June from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. at the Horse & Jockey Hotel, Thurles. Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to all bereaved parents.


Summer Camps at STAC  will take place for two weeks from Monday 30th June – Friday 11th July. Art, Craft & Drama Games Age: 4 – 6 years, Art Attack & Drama Age: 7 upwards, Graffiti with a Twist – Anthony Lawless Age: Teenagers. Booking essential. Tel 052-6127877 for details.


Clonmel R.F.C. Multi-Sports Summer Camp for boys and girls aged 6 to 15 years will take place from Monday 7th to Friday 11th July from 9.00 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.  €65 per child. Sports include: Rugby, Tag Rugby, Uni-Hoc, Football, Basketball, Team-building and other sports. Coaching by experienced qualified Coaches. To book Tel 087-3724394


Collection last weekend

Envelopes  –  €653.98     Notes and Coin  –   €464.02           Thank You


Some Liturgical Celebrations for this Week

Tuesday 24th June  The Nativity of St. John the Baptist.

Friday 27th June  The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.


 2nd Annual 6K Family Fun Walk  in aid of St. Oliver’s Parish Centre will take place on Friday 27th June.   Registration at 6.30 p.m.  Route: St. Oliver’s Parish Centre, – Heywood Road – Western Road – Poppyfields, – Bypass – St. Oliver’s Parish Centre.  Refreshments served afterwards.  Free Raffle.  Donations taken on the night.   All are welcome.


Give your Bread

O Lord, we pray to you

Give your bread, Lord, to those who are hungry,

give hunger for yourself to those who have bread,

for you alone, Lord,

can satisfy our desire:

O Lord, we pray to you.


Give your strength to those who are weak,

give humility to those who think themselves strong,

for you alone, Lord

are our strength:

O Lord, we pray to you.


Give faith to those who are in doubt,

give doubt to those who believe they possess you,

for you alone, Lord,

are the truth:

O Lord, we pray to you.


Give confidence to those who are afraid,

give your fear to those who have too much confidence,

for you alone, Lord,

support our hope:

O Lord, we pray to you.


Give light to those who are searching for you,

preserve in your love those who have found you,

for you alone, Lord,

can fulfill our love:

O Lord, we pray to you.

(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)




























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – Most Holy Trinity


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235

Parish Office:  Open Monday – Friday 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. Henry & Mary Keyes & Son Henry (Anniv)

Sunday    9.00 a.m. Michael & Deirdre Gerrard (Anniv)

              12 Noon Jerry & Catherine O’ Regan (Anniv)


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).


Corpus Christi  Next Sunday is the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is a time for renewing our faith in the Blessed Eucharist. Perhaps we could invite and encourage somebody who has been away from Mass and Communion to return to the sacrament of love, the sign of unity and the bond of charity.


Visiting the Sick  Up to now the list of patients in STGH has been available to priests at Reception, in the Hospital. This is no longer the case. If you have relatives or friends in Hospital, please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Hegarty or Sr. Mary.


Eternal Rest  to Kevin Sweeney R.I.P. late of 272 Elm Park, who died during the week and whose Funeral Mass was in St. Oliver’s Church.


Diocese of Waterford and Lismore The Permanent Diaconate  Could you bring your gifts of faith, hope and love to the service of God as a Deacon? The Christian Community in the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore needs men of faith, vision and experience to build and serve tomorrow’s Church. Enquiries: Fr. Pat Fitzgerald, Parochial House, Lisduggan, Waterford Tel 051 – 372257


Feast of the Irish Martyrs  Friday next 20th June is the Feast of the Irish Martyrs. Our Church here is dedicated also to those 17 Martyrs who were beatified by Pope John Paul 11 in 1992. We pray that we too may have the courage to bear witness to our faith.


2nd Annual 6K Family Fun Walk  in aid of St. Oliver’s Parish Centre will take place on Friday 27th June at 6.30 p.m.   Route: St. Oliver’s Parish Centre – Heywood Road – Western Road – Poppyfields – Bypass – St. Oliver’s Parish Centre. Sponsor Cards are available at the Parish Office or from Jimmy Moloney. Donations can also be handed into the Parish Office.


Summer Camps at STAC  will take place for two weeks from Monday 30th June – Friday 11th July. Art, Craft & Drama Games Age: 4 – 6 years, Art  Attack & Drama Age: 7 upwards, Graffiti with a Twist – Anthony Lawless Age: Teenagers. Booking essential. Tel 052-6127877 for details.


Collection last weekend

Envelopes  –  €545.37      Notes and Coin  –  €542.63         Thank You


Awareness Campaign  When an adult has a sudden cardiac arrest, his or her survival depends greatly on immediately getting CPR from someone nearby. From the moment of collapse, the chance of survival decreases by 7-10% per minute when CPR is not being performed. Hesitation cost lives.  We hope our simple campaign message of “Check, Call, Compress” will help save lives and improve the outcomes of those who suffer a cardiac arrest.

Check is the person unresponsive and not breathing?

Call Call 999 or 112

Compress Push hard and fast in the centre of the chest until help arrives. 

See posters at Church entrances. 

We now have a Defibrillator in our Parish Centre.


God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

God the Father,

we praise you and we bless you

because you are the Father of Jesus,

and because you wish to be our Father also

according to your love and mercy.

Blest are you, O Lord, through eternity!


God the Son,

we praise you and we bless you

because you are the Son of the Father’s love,

and because you wish to be the eldest brother also

of all the children of God.

Blest are you, O Lord, through eternity!


God the Holy Spirit,

we praise you and we bless you

because you are the love of the Father and the Son

springing up like a fire out of their affection,

and because you wish to dwell in our hearts also

like a furnace of love.

Blest are you, O Lord, through eternity!


God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

we praise you and we bless you

because you are God surpassing all praise

yet you accept the stammering of our adoration.

To you we direct our love forever and ever.

Blest are you, O Lord, through eternity!

(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)


























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – Pentecost Sunday


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235

Parish Office:  Open Monday – Friday 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. William, Christine & Mary Minogue (Anniv)

Sunday  9.00 a.m. Patrick Landy (1st Anniv)

               12 Noon Paddy English (Anniv)


 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).


 Tipp FM  The Classic Café with Fran Curry will be broadcast live from St. Oliver’s Parish Centre on next Wednesday 11th June from 11.00 a.m.  People to represent all the areas of the Parish are invited to come to the Parish Centre during the morning.


Annual Novena in Honour of St. Anthony of Padua continues at the Franciscan Church, Clonmel until Thursday 12th June.  Preacher: Fr. Feargus McEveney, O.F.M.

Time of Masses and Novena Prayers:  Weekdays 10.00 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Saturday 10.00 a.m. & 7.00 p.m. Sunday 11.30 a.m.   Friday 6th June: Special Prayers and Blessing of the Sick at 5.00 p.m.   Friday 13th June: Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Mass & Blessing of Lilies at 10.00 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Blessing of Children at 4.00 p.m.


2014 Sacred Heart Novena  This Novena is for the nine days leading to the Feast of the Sacred Heart. It begins on Thursday 19th June and finishes on Friday 27th June. In St. Oliver’s the Novena Prayer will be recited after the 10.00 a.m. Mass each day.


2nd Annual 6K Family Fun Walk  in aid of St. Oliver’s Parish Centre will take place on Friday 27th June at 6.30 p.m.  Route: St. Oliver’s Parish Centre – Heywood Road – Western Road – Poppyfields – Bypass – St. Oliver’s Parish Centre. Sponsor Cards are available at the Parish Office or from Jimmy Moloney. Donations can also be handed into the Parish Office.


Visiting the Sick  Up to now the list of patients in STGH has been available to priests at Reception, in the Hospital. This is no longer the case. If you have relatives or friends in Hospital, please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Hegarty or Sr. Mary.


Trócaire Lenten Campaign   Trócaire would like to thank sincerely the parishioners of St. Oliver’s for their continuing generosity to the world’s poorest people. Amount received in St Oliver’s Parish this year to date is €2,892.75


Diocese of Waterford and Lismore The Permanent Diaconate Could you bring your gifts of faith, hope and love to the service of God as a Deacon? The Christian Community in the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore needs men of faith, vision and experience to build and serve tomorrow’s Church. Enquiries: Fr. Pat Fitzgerald, Parochial House, Lisduggan, Waterford Tel 051 – 372257


Welcome into our Christian Community  Archie Mark Beckett who was baptised last weekend.


Exams  We continue to remember and pray for all those who are doing Exams at this time.


Collection last weekend

Envelopes – €549.04       Notes and Coin – €548.96             Thank You


Our New Parish Centre

Target:  €130,000.00         Donated so far:  €130,000.00

Thanks for all your generosity


Ireland is home to Catholics from many countries and where the Holy Mass is celebrated in many different languages. Migrants leave their homes in search of a better life and face the difficult experience of migration in its various forms. As Christians, let us celebrate the diversity all around us, reach out to and pray for all migrants to emphasize the unity of the human family and the values of acceptance, hospitality and love of neighbour today on Penecost Sunday.

Prayer for Pentecost

God, whose Spirit is known

In the bringing together of those

Who were once kept apart,

You have announced good news

In the very human accents

Which have become most dear to us.


And so we pray:

Come, Holy Spirit,

And celebrate in us that love of God in Jesus Christ

Which need never be measured and will never run short,

And for whose cadences you have given us,

Without distrinction, the ears to hear.






































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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – Ascension of the Lord


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel: 6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235

Parish Office:  Open Monday – Friday 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday 7.30 p.m. Davy Kearns (Anniv)

Sunday  9.00 a.m. Mary & George Goodman (Anniv)

               12 Noon Molly Askins (Anniv)


First Friday  Next Friday is the First Friday of the month. Sr. Mary an Fr. Hegarty will bring Holy Communion to the persons who have asked to receive it in their own homes.


Visiting the Sick  Up to now the list of patients in STGH has been available to priests at Reception, in the Hospital. This is no longer the case. If you have relatives or friends in Hospital, please contact the Parish Office or Fr. Hegarty or Sr. Mary.


Diocese of Waterford and Lismore The Permanent Diaconate Could you bring your gifts of faith, hope and love to the service of God as a Deacon? The Christian Community in the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore needs men of faith, vision and experience to build and serve tomorrow’s Church. Enquiries: Fr. Pat Fitzgerald, Parochial House, Lisduggan, Waterford Tel 051 – 372257


St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection will take place after all Masses this weekend Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June.


Saint Pio Prayer Group Monday 2nd June in St. Mary’s Church, Irishtown, Clonmel. Rosary and prayers at 6.30 p.m. Mass at 7.00 p.m. for petitions placed in the basket on the altar. All are welcome.


Annual Novena in Honour of St. Anthony of Padua will take place at the Franciscan Church, Clonmel from Wednesday 4th June to Thursday 12th June. Preacher: Fr. Feargus McEveney, O.F.M.  Time of Masses and Novena Prayers: Weekdays 10.00 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Saturday 10.00 a.m. & 7.00 p.m. Sunday 11.30 a.m.   Friday 6th June: Special Prayers and Blessing of the Sick at 5.00 p.m.   Friday 13th June: Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Mass & Blessing of Lilies at 10.00 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Blessing of Children at 4.00 p.m.


New Volunteers Needed!  Clonmel Citizens Information Centre, Market Place, Clonmel is now looking for new volunteers to help with giving out information on rights and entitlements to the public. We need people who are available for one full day or two half days per week. Full training will be given. Please contact the centre for an application form. Completed forms should be returned by Thursday 5th June. Further details from Dave Burke Tel 0761 076 460.


2nd Annual 6K Family Fun Walk  in aid of the Parish Centre will take place on Friday 27th June at 6.30 p.m. Sponsor Cards are available at the Parish Office or from Jimmy Moloney. Donations can also be handed into the Parish Office.


Tipp FM  have plans to do a programme about our Parish. More details later.


Collection last weekend

Envelopes  –  €597.00    Notes and Coin  –   €471.00           Thank You



We remember in our prayers all those doing Exams this month,

Here is one Prayer before Exams:

Oh great St. Joseph of Cupertino, who by thy prayers obtained from God

to be asked at your examination the only question which you knew,

pray that I, like you may succeed in the examination which lies before me.

In return I promise to make you known, and cause you to be loved.  Amen.


The Ascension

Jesus Christ

Lord glorified on high

look with love upon

your brothers and sisters on earth.


Your ascension is the hope

of our future glory,

and your presence near your Father

announces our own entrance

into the eternal dwelling.


We pray to you:

Let the desire for heavenly realities

not make us neglect our work on earth.


Let our hope for the future

inspire in us a respect for the present moment.


Let your ascension into heaven move us

to make your glory dwell on earth.


Thus we will be witnesses to your presence

among our brothers and sisters

until the end of time.

(Lucien Deiss )

























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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 6th Sunday of Easter


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:  6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister:  Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235

Parish Office:  Open Monday – Friday 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. J.J. Slevin (Anniv)

Sunday    9.00 a.m. Brendan Dunne (Anniv)

                 12 Noon Cathy Harris (Anniv)


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).

This is an opportunity for us to pray for the needs of the Church, the needs of the world and our own particular needs. “Can you not spend one hour (or even half an hour) with me?”  “Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, reserved in the tabernacle or at Exposition, is a inexhaustible source of holiness. It fosters our faith in the Real Presence, and deepens our communion with Christ”     

(The Eucharist: A Pocket Catechism, page 41)


First Holy Communion  Congratulations to the girls and boys who made their First Holy Communion here in St. Oliver’s last weekend. Thanks to all who helped them to prepare for this great day in their lives.  Parents please bring them to Mass as often as possible.


Eternal Rest  to Christina O’ Sullivan R.I.P. late of 8 Ard Fatima, and to Kitty Lyons R.I.P. late of 34 Ard Fatima who died during the week.


2nd Annual 6K Family Fun Walk  in aid of the Parish Centre will take place on Friday 27th June at 6.30 p.m. Sponsor Cards are available at the Parish Office or from Jimmy Moloney. Donations can also be handed into the Parish Office.


St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection  will take place after all Masses  next weekend Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June.


Irish Blood Transfusion Service  would like to thank 475 Donors who attended their Blood Donor Clinic in Clonmel recently. Donors, together with the families, friends and neighbours that support them, make up a community that brings life and hope to hospital patients every day.


The Annual Diocesan May Rosary Procession  will take place this Sunday 25th May leaving Ballybricken Green at 3.00 p.m. and proceeding to the Dominican Church for the crowning of our Lady. All are welcome especially those Children who have received their First Holy Communion, also all clubs, schools, groups, organisations, etc are invited to take part in this event. More details tel 086-3100581.


Summer Concert  Belle Voci and Guests will hold a concert on Thursday 29th May at 8.00 p.m. in Old St. Mary’s Church. Tickets €12 available from Premier Music, O’ Connell Street and at the door on the night.


Annual Novena in Honour of St. Anthony of Padua  will take place at the Franciscan Church, Clonmel from Wednesday 4th June to Thursday 12th June. Preacher: Fr. Feargus McEveney, O.F.M.

Time of Masses and Novena Prayers:  Weekdays 10.00 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Saturday 10.00 a.m. & 7.00 p.m. Sunday 11.30 a.m.   Friday 6th June: Special Prayers and Blessing of the Sick at 5.00 p.m.  Friday 13th June: Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Mass & Blessing of Lilies at 10.00 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. Blessing of Children at 4.00 p.m.


Collection last weekend

Envelopes – €543.35   Notes and Coin – €503.65                  Thank You


Our New Parish Centre

Target: €130,000.00     Donated so far: €85,124.88

Thanks for all your generosity


 The Hope that is in Us

(cf. 2nd Reading today)

God our Father, you wish us

always to be ready to answer

anyone who asks the reason

for the hope that is in us.

We pray to you:

Place in us your Holy Spirit,

the Spirit of truth and love.

Help us to bear withness to your truth

with the purest charity,

so that our truth may always be charitable,

full of respect for those who do not believe.

Help us also to bear witness to your love

with a shining truth,

so that our love may always be true,

full of patience for those who do not love you.

Then we will be witnesses of your Son Jesus,

in whom love and truth dwell together.

(Lucien Deiss )



















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St. Oliver’s Parish Newsletter – 5th Sunday of Easter


Priests of the Parish:   Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.

Tel:  6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail

Sister: Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235

Parish Office:  Open Monday – Friday 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.


Facebook Page:

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878

Local Safeguarding Representatives:  Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382

Bereavement Support:  Tel 6125679


Masses for Weekend

Saturday   7.30 p.m. John & Ellen Cremmins (Anniv)

Sunday   9.00 a.m. Michael & Elizabeth O’ Halloran (Anniv)

                12 Noon Joe Bowes (Anniv)


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION  Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).


SOS in partnership with the South East Traveller Health Unit and the South Tipperary Action Network will host a Wellness Workshop on Monday 19th May in St. Luke’s Hospital, Western Road, Clonmel. This is a full day workshop running from 9.30 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. with lunch included. If you or anyone you know would like to attend please contact Jacqui on 1890 577577 to book your free place. Places are still available.


Exercise and Mobility Classes  for older Adults, including exercises for all will commence on Monday 19th May after 10.00 a.m. Mass in St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Irishtown. Nominal fee €5. Benefits include: maintaining functionality, to improve balance to avoid falls, management of arthritis, improved quality of sleep, improved circulation and fun. Contact John Cooke tel 086-8813577.


The Annual Diocesan May Rosary Procession will take place on Sunday 25th May leaving Ballybricken Green at 3.00 p.m. and proceeding to the Dominican Church for the crowning of our Lady. All are welcome especially those Children who have received their First Holy Communion, also all clubs, schools, groups, organisations, etc are invited to take part in this event. More details tel 086-3100581.


Summer Concert Belle Voci and Guests will hold a concert on Thursday 29th May at 8.00 p.m. in Old St. Mary’s Church. Tickets €12 available from Premier Music, O’ Connell Street and at the door on the night.


Good Reading  Please feel free to take away any unsold copies of the Irish Catholic or of other pamphlets, prayer cards and booklets available in the Church.


Welcome into our Christian Community Finn Darragh O’ Shea who was baptised last weekend.


Family Support Groups  Supporting Family Members Coping with Drug Use. For further information see Church Noticeboard or for Clonmel and Catchment Area Family Support Group contact: (052) 6189381 or 086 – 8557212.


Senior Help Line  Ireland’s only confidential listening service for older people provided by older volunteers is open 365 days of the year. The help line is open every day from 10 a.m. – 10 p.m. So don’t be alone. We are there. Phone Senior Help Line LoCall 1850 440 444, (no call costing more than 30 cent).


Collection last weekend

Envelopes – €592.23    Notes and Coin –  €508.77                 Thank You


Proclaiming the Resurrection

Jesus Christ, risen Lord, have mercy on us!

Help us, O risen Lord,

to proclaim your Resurrection

by bringing good news to the poor,

and healing the hearts that are broken.

Help us, O risen Lord,

to proclaim your Resurrection,

by feeding those who are hungry

and clothing those who are naked.

Help us, O risen Lord,

to proclaim your Resurrection,

by releasing the captives of injustice,

and all those who are imprisoned by their sins.

Help us, O risen Lord,

to proclaim your Resurrection,

by welcoming the strangers

and visiting those in loneliness.

Help us, O risen Lord,

to proclaim your Resurrection,

by bringing your peace to those who are in trouble,

and your joy to those who are in sorrow.

God our Father, who raised your Son from the dead,

help us to understand, we beg you,

that we will conquer our own death

and rise with Jesus today when we live in brotherly love.

We ask you this grace through Jesus Christ,

who died for our sins and rose for our life.

(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)















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