Priests of the Parish: Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Tel: 6125679 E Mail
Sister: Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Thursday 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Friday 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Facebook Page:
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 052 – 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679
Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m. Cathy Harris (Anniv)
Sunday 9.00 a.m. Brendan Dunne (Anniv)
12 Noon Paddy Tobin (Anniv)
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week on Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Church Holiday or a Public Holiday).
We pray for: Gisela Coonan late of 6 Highfield Grove who died during the week. May she rest in peace.
Crime Prevention Information An Garda Síochána Crime Prevention Information Sheet on Home Security is available at the entrances to the Church. Please take one.
Trócaire Lenten Campaign Trócaire would like to thank sincerely the parishioners of St. Oliver’s for their continuing generosity to the world’s poorest people. Amount received in St Oliver’s Parish this year to date is €2,925.50.
The Annual Diocesan May Rosary Procession will take place this Sunday 24th May leaving Ballybricken Green at 3.00 p.m. and proceeding to the Dominican Church, Bridge Street, Waterford City for the crowning of our Lady. Music on the Green from 2.30 p.m. All are welcome especially Children who have received their First Holy Communion. More details Tel 086-3100581.
Anam Cara is holding its monthly Parent Evening on Monday 25th May from 7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. in the Horse and Jockey Hotel, Thurles. All Anam Cara Services are available free of charge to bereaved parents.
Music Extravaganza in aid of Nepal On Thursday next 28th May at 7 p.m. two Clonmel Youth Bands will come together to help fundraise for Nepal. Banna Cluain Meala and SS Peter & Paul’s School Band will perform at the Denis Burke Park, Clonmel. Admission is free but donations will be accepted for the victims of the Nepal earthquake.
Summer Words and Music An evening of ‘Summer Words and Music’ in aid of Hospice will take place in Old St. Mary’s Church, Mary Street, Clonmel on Thursday 28th May at 8.00 p.m. Featuring Maureen Purcell, Joe O’ Sullivan, Margaret Rossiter, Mathuin O’ Caoimh, Rev Barbara Fryday, John Kelly, Dr. Hillary, Keith Fahy, Ronan Quirke and the Tipperary Ramblers. Admission €10.
Ballylooby School Fundraiser will take place on Friday June 5th at 8 p.m. in St. Kieran’s Church Ballylooby. Doors open at 7.30 p.m. Special Guest James Kilbane. Tickets €15. See posters in Church.
Mass in St. Patrick’s Well Newly ordained Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan will celebrate Mass in St. Patrick’s Well on Thursday evening 25th June at 8.00 p.m. This will be his first Mass in Clonmel. Everybody is invited to come along and give him a big Cead Míle Fáilte.
Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €596.88 Notes and Coin – €473.12 Thank You
Appeal – We need more volunteers to:
1. Read in Church
2. Be Eucharistic Ministers
3. Help with preparation of families for Baptism
Thanks to all who have volunteered, and those who do these services already.
Our New Parish Centre
Target: €130,000.00 Donated so far: €109,210.43
Thanks for all your generosity
The Gifts of the Spirit
Let us pray to the Lord Jesus that he place in us the gifts of his Spirit and the power of his love. Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!
Spirit of wisdom, Spirit of understanding, Spirit of adoration, Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!
Sprit of strength, Spirit of knowledge, Spirit of joy, Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!
Spirit of love, Spirit of peace, Spirit of jubilation, Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!
Spirit of willing service, Spirit of goodness, Spirit of gentleness, Come to us, Spirit of the Lord!
God our Father, source of all love and joy, you who never measure the grace of your Spirit but offer it to every person with the royal genreosity of divine giving, we pray to you:
In giving us the Spirit of your Son, pour into our hearts the fullness of love, so that we are able to love you alone yet preserve all our tenderness for people also, in this unique love, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Lucien Deiss, Biblical Prayers)