Priests of the Parish: Fr. Michael Hegarty I.C. Fr. James Pollock I.C.
Tel: 6125679 Fax: 6128071 E Mail
Sister: Sr. Mary Muckley Tel: 6125235
Parish Office: Open Monday – Friday 9.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.
Parish Website:
Facebook Page :
Society of St. Vincent de Paul Helpline 086-0412328 or 6123878
Local Safeguarding Representatives: Margaret Waters 086-8917440 Fiona Stanley 087-9340382
Bereavement Support: Tel 6125679
Masses for Weekend
Saturday 7.30 p.m. Larry & Ann Bates (Anniv)
Sunday 9.00 a.m. Kevin McGrath (Anniv)
12 Noon Josephine Kerton (Anniv)
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Parish Eucharistic Adoration takes place each week Monday from 2.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. (except when Monday is a Public Holiday).
Thanks We are grateful to all who helped with the Holy Week and Easter Celebrations. Thanks to all who prepared the Church, arranged the flowers etc. Thanks to the Choir, the Readers, the Eucharistic Ministers and the Baptismal Preparation Team members who participated.
If you have not yet handed in your Trocaire Box or Easter Collection Envelope they can be handed into the Church or to the Parish Office. The Easter Envelope is available in the box with your weekly family offering envelopes.
St. Oliver’s School re-opens on Monday 28th April at 9.00 a.m.
First Friday Next Friday is the First Friday of the month. Sr. Mary and Fr. Hegarty will bring Holy Communion to the persons who have asked to receive it in their own homes.
Homeshare, Family based Respite Scheme The Brothers of Charity Services are seeking Carers to provide short breaks to children with intellectual disabilities, involving them in everyday activity in your home whilst giving families a break. If you are interested, contact Children’s Homeshare Co-ordinator, The Brothers of Charity Services South East, Child & Family Centre, 2 Jervis Place, Parnell St, Clonmel. Tel 052-6124499 or
Divine Mercy Celebrations take place in Ss Peter & Paul’s Church, Clonmel on this Sunday 27th April, Divine Mercy Sunday, at 2.30 p.m. ending with Mass. Celebrant Fr. Slawomir Jarzab C.C. Ss Peter & Paul’s. 1st class Relic of St. Faustina will be available. All are welcome.
Anam Cara is holding its monthly parent evening on Monday 28th April form 7.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m. at the Horse & Jockey Hotel, Thurles. This event is free, open to all bereaved parents and each Anam Cara support group has a bereavement professional present to answer any questions parents may have and signpost them to other services that are available in the area.
Waterford Institute of Technology Department of Applied Arts Religious Studies of Theology Research Group “Believing and Belonging in a Secular Age: Unpacking the European Values Survey & European Social Survey” will take place on Tuesday 29th April at 7.00 p.m. in Room FO1 (Business School), Cork Road Campus. For more information
Mental Health Awareness with Grow in Ireland are holding a series of talks for 4 weeks at the Clonmel Park Hotel. An introduction to understanding and minding your mental health. Week 4: Thursday 1st May at 7.30 p.m. How GROW Works. Guest Speaker: Christine Fitzgerald (Grow in Ireland). Plus information on Locally Available Supports. To reserve your free place contact Caroline Crotty tel 086-4673239 or Mary Walsh tel 087-2843424 or email: Places are limited.
St. Vincent de Paul Monthly Collection will take place after all Masses next weekend Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th May.
A Reminder The Waterford & Lismore Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place this year from 6th – 11th June, and there are still places for pilgrims and also for those who wish to travel as staff. It is always a very worthwhile and rewarding experience, and we would invite anyone who is interested in joining us to contact the Lourdes Office in Waterford City Tel 051- 878900, or in the Clonmel area John Healy Tel 052-6123791
Collection last weekend
Envelopes – €523.95 Notes and Coin – €899.05 Thank You
A Prayer for the Month of May
Mary, Virgin and Mother, you who, moved by the Holy Spirit, welcomed the word of life in the depths of your humble faith: as you gave yourself completely to the Eternal One, help us to say our own ‘yes’ to the urgent call, as pressing as ever, to proclaim the good news of Jesus.
Filled with Christ’s presence, you brought joy to John the Baptist, making him exult in the womb of his mother. Brimming over with joy, you sang of the great things done by God. Standing at the foot of the cross with unyielding faith, you received the joyful comfort of the resurrection, and joined the disciples in awaiting the Spirit so that the evangelising Church might be born.
Obtain for us now a new ardour born of the resurrection, that we may bring to all the Gospel of life which triumphs over death. Give us a holy courage to seek new paths, that the gift of unfading beauty may reach every man and woman. Virgin of listening and contemplation, Mother of love, Bride of the eternal wedding feast, pray for the Church, whose pure icon you are, that she may never be closed in on herself or lose her passion for establishing God’s kingdom.
Star of the new evangelisation, help us to bear radiant witness to communion, service, ardent and generous faith, justice and love of the poor, that the joy of the Gospel may reach to the ends of the earth, illuminating even the fringes of our world. Mother of the living Gospel, wellspring of happiness for God’s little ones, Pray for us. Amen. Alleluia!
(Pope Francis, EG, 288)